When i was walking down King Street i noticed the curved road, i thought it would be interesting, rather than a straight one.
the building opposite, saw a facade on the upper storey that had a rhythmic quality, the consitant slit windows, against the curve facade. something i would like to take into consideration, maybe juxtapose it.. since the gallery would have unusual art. maybe have horizontal slits insted of vertical slits?
I dont want to simply create an irregular form, just to symbolise the unusaul artwork inside the gallery
yet i dont want to simply follow the boring old facades, with the awnings..
maybe something with a mix of both... taking into cinsideration of surrounding and opposing it?
there is a bus stop right infront of the site, lot of people stand around there waiting for a bus, sitting on the benches. Maybe i should use architectonics, like benches next to the display windows, facing the windows, showing off the art work, some kind of form, use of door or windows to draw them in.
working from the entrance drawing them all the way to the courtyard
i want to take into consideration of every visiting experience, have all parts of building contributing to the experience.
contribute to the community?
random ideas
-courtyard on roof?
-ramp, stairs
-counter rhythmic quality of opposite facade
-sitting, walking, standing, sleeping?
-collapsing wall, roof
- piano nobile, upper level, empty ground
-round decend ramp
-irregular door
-steps display
-regulared windows
-protruding front